Mighty Joe Young Review by Elias Savada
King Kong light. Insipid Joe Young. Just because this film is rated PG doesnt mean it has to be written on the level of an orangutan. Ill have to tally up all the movies for the year, but I suspect this will miss my ten worst list, but only by a animatronic, computer graphic hair. Im told that calendars of dishy star Charlize Theron (Celebrity, Devils Advocate) are hot selling pin ups in primate cages everywhere this holiday season. Shes one of the perkiest prizes for testosterone-challenged males (human or not) this Christmas, bedecked in many a halter top to display her lovely naval. The natives in the audience are restless indeed, except for those pre-pubescent youngsters (who, like Joe, probably prefer hide-and-seek to playing doctor) to whom this movie is actually aimed. Hence, for those older males stuck in multiplexes with Joe under icy conditions this winter, Disney unintentionally is providing pleasant wet-dream relief. But, sorry guys, our heroines a one gorilla gal. And if the beast happens to weigh a ton and tower over you by a good nine feet, you best approach her on tippy toes. Instead, co-star Bill Paxton stumbles his way to the damsels doorstep. As special effects movies go, this is a long way from the Godzilla disaster, but just as silly plotwise. In that reptilian misadventure, the creature goes directly to New York, does not pass Go, and does not collect $200. Here, the big hairy ape and his mistress take off from deepest Africa for California to elude some poachers at the drop of a trap, without papers or two-week advance airplane tickets, and soon sign with a local talent agency. Oops, a slight embellishment there. Too much holiday cheer. Lets backtrack a minute for those of you on your tenth cup of eggnog.
The current update opens with a young Jill Young (Mika Boorem) and her Dian Fossey-esque mom (Linda Purl) on a gorilla watch on the dark continent (Hawaii providing a suitable stand in). Enter some very mean poachers that do a double-Bambi on the good primatologist and Mrs. Gorilla. In the night-time fracas the killer, Strasser (Rade Sherbedgia) becomes digitally challenged -- in a scene possibly too intense for the very young -- thanks to a well placed bite from Joe. "I will kill that monkey," he bellows to his henchman Garth (Peter Firth). Witty dialogue, eh? It doesnt get any better. Twelve years pass before Joe and Jill come down the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jill (Theron) has blossomed and Joe is a big boy (his size explained away by aberrant genetics), a few months shy of his bar mitzvah. Paxton rumbles into town on a humvee as Gregg OHara (an amalgam of the male leads -- and character names -- from the original Joe), a zoologist in search of blood samples. Confusion reigns (in the audience and on screen) as mercenary natives hired by the clueless Mr. OHara allow the films effects magicians to strut out their stuff -- a realistic combination of man in a monkey suit, hydraulic prosthetics, bluescreen work, and computer graphics. Rick Baker (Gorilla in the Mist, Greystoke), Hoyt Yeatman, Dreamquest Images, and Industrial Light and Magic make Joe the most interesting "actor" in the film. Thank goodness for big favors. The action ridiculously moves to the U.S., where director Ron Underwood (Tremors, City Slickers, Speechless) decides to teach Joe how to surf, causing a tidal wave and the destruction of Beverly Hills 90210. The INS saves the day, arresting Joe for lacking a passport. Sorry, the holiday giddies just kicked in again.
After Joe and Jill hitch a ride on the wrong truck, the scared beast is on the loose along Hollywood Blvd., panhandling for spare bananas and climbing up Manns Chinese, before popping up in the HOLLYWOOD sign. No one, not even a 2,000-pound gorilla, can maneuver through L.A. traffic this quickly. And so on, through to a fiery, ferris wheel, conclusion. Enough. Ive had enough. A credit disclaimer should been added that no humans were awake during the making of this film. Be sure to leave a note with your usher, "Please wake me when the movie is over." Contents | Features | Reviews | Books | Archives | Store Copyright © 1999 by Nitrate Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |