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The Fifth Element
Review by Carrie
Posted 9 May 1997
Directed by Luc Besson
Starring Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman,
Milla Jovovich, Ian Holm, Chris Tucker,
Luke Perry, Brion James, Tiny Lister Jr.
and Lee Evans
Screenplay by Luc Besson
and Mark Robert Kamen |
Attempting to outline the plot
complexities of The Fifth Element without giving the game away is a lot like trying
to negotiate a field strewn with land mines without a map indicating their placement;
sooner or later, the process will blow up in your face, although, in the former instance,
I will remain reasonably intact whether or not a few secrets are revealed along the way.
To keep the damage to a minimum, however, I will state only that the film concerns itself
with the 23rd-century adventures of a cab driver in New York City named Korben Dallas (Willis), a survivor of a
spaceship explosion (Jovovich) and a mysterious priest (Holm), all of whom, of course, are
not what they seem to represent. Viewers need to know two other things about The Fifth
Element. First, these individuals are connected to a mysterious discovery in an
Egyptian tomb prior to the First World War, and the appearance of aliens who warn, as
sudden visitors are want to do under these circumstances, of impending evil. Second, if,
after reading the above, you begin experiencing grim memories of Stargate, place
those aside for a minute or two; for all of the hyperbole, both visual and thematic,
generally connected with the sci-fi genre (and theres no immunity from those here), The
Fifth Element might be considered genuinely entertaining, provided that several
caveats are kept firmly at your minds forefront, most of them relating to the
narrative itself.
narrative structure of The Fifth Element wants, with all due desperation, to invite
comparisons to a really well-constructed crime thriller of the post-World War II film noir
variety. Add seventy to ninety million dollars worth of eye-assaulting special effects,
and filmgoers should, by all rights, end up in Blade Runner territory; they might,
but the films intellectual baggage, or its pretensions thereto, ends up somewhere in
Des Moines. Screenwriters Kamen and Besson definitely aspire, on some levels, to the
hard-edged, rain-and-fog-drenched dystopia of Ridley Scotts sci-fi classic;
otherwise, they wouldnt have borrowed so liberally from its visual style (the
cramped, chaotic appearance of the future New York City appearing in The Fifth Element,
its blinding brightness aside, owes more than a few debts to Syd Meads earlier
concept of urban misery). And Kamen and Besson do manage to add some innovative twists to
their new melange, among them a scene at an Asian food stand that adds new meaning to the
term, "home delivery". Then, like so many contemporary screenwriters, they
dont resist the urge to drown the film in yet another vat of ironic sensibilities.
As he did with La Femme Nikita, director Besson then conceals thematic emptiness
under the veils of lightening-fast editing and attitude . Whatever earnestness then
remains is so stretched to the breaking point that the film falls over the edge into
campiness, a situation made even more evident by Gary Oldmans sublime,
scenery-chewing performance as one of the archest villains since Ming the Merciless, and
the introduction of an annoyingly hysterical drag queen (Tucker) to provide running
commentary on the films final sequences. On top of all of this, of course, is
Willis own patented smarmy-charm version of coolness. The resulting detachment of
characters from their venue is so strong that its often very easy to forget that
there are supposed to be serious issues at stake on-screen, unless you consider wholesale
destruction of human life from unspeakable evil (which, in this film, resembles a renegade
charcoal briquette on steroids) to be a mere trifle in the overall scheme of things. In
fact, when the narrative is obliged to finally get around to vanquishing said evil, it
seems such a shame to put an end to all the fun the screenwriters are having with the
elements of the sci-fi genre, regardless of how much fun the filmgoers might be having
or not.
If youre looking for a sequel in thematic terms to Blade
Runner, dont say you werent warned; this is strictly a film for Bruce
Willis fans, Gary Oldman fans, and/or SFX/action-film junkies desperate for a fix.

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