Gloria Review by Gregory Avery
I will borrow a term from a favorite critic of mine and say that I would pan this picture if there were more of a picture to pan. This is a remake of a John Cassavetes film which drew its power from a stunning central performance by Gene Rowlands, as an aging gun moll who turns tough-as-steel when she protects a young Puerto Rican boy from hitmen. The maternal instinct makes her even more stronger, and tougher. ("You let a WOMAN beat you, you PUNK!" she tells one would-be assailant.) Maternal instinct is not something you see coming from Sharon Stone, in the new movie -- she stares and stares into the face of young Jean-Luke Figueroa, who plays the boy, as if she were desperately trying to find something there. (Figueroa, who is given hardly anything to do, is finally reduced to a small, earnest object with dark eyes.) Stone delivers the awful dialogue she's handed with a Bronx accent that inadvertently gives all her line readings a simpering quality, and, trying to give her character a more appealing emotional range, falters badly in moments where she is supposed to be acting tough and decisive.
I will admit that there are some nice passages in Howard Shore's music score. Astoundingly, John Cassavetes' name is nowhere in evidence during the opening or closing credits. After seeing some of the picture, it's not hard to guess why. Contents | Features | Reviews | Books | Archives | Store Copyright © 1999 by Nitrate Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |